Testing Dates

Parents/guardians have a right to not have their student participate in state-required standardized assessments.

2022-2023 School Year Testing Calendar


District MCA results

Go to the Minnesota Report Card to see results for our school, state results, or any other school in the state.

Central Lakes Adventure School Assessments

These assessments are how we keep running records of student learning as well as report to state and federal governments on how our school is performing. Listed below are the primary assessments we use for these purposes.

NWEA - The Northwest Evaluation Association assesses current student knowledge in-depth. The information is used to flag areas where students may need additional support. The NWEA is administered three times per school year: fall, winter and spring. Growth goals are set at the beginning of the year; teachers use these to target specific areas where students need help. The NWEA is also used to report to our authorizer, Osprey Wilds. It is commonly referred to as the "local assessment" in many of the school's documents.

MCA - The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment is an assessment required by the state of Minnesota for school accountability. The state is required by the federal government to assess students in reading (10th grade), math (11th grade), and science (12th grade). The MCA is administered once a year in the spring.

ACT - We offer our 11th graders (and 12th graders who have not taken it) a nationally-recognized college entrance exam. It will be administered during a school day (with a makeup day). Students will be able to submit their scores to colleges of their choice, just like the national Saturday administration of the test. There is no cost for the test we offer our students. Students are also allowed to register, at their own expense, for Saturday administrations as the rules allow if they wish.